= $new_width) { $raw_name = $arrFile["name"]; //$_SESSION['file_tmp_name'][$count] = $raw_name; $id = uniqid(rand()); $arrInfoImage = explode(".",$arrFile["name"]); $name = $id.".".$arrInfoImage[count($arrInfoImage)-1]; $new_path_name = $path_name."/".$name; move_uploaded_file($arrFile["tmp_name"],$new_path_name) or die("There is problem in uploading"); // info about file.... $img_info = getimagesize($new_path_name); $img_width = $img_info[0]; $img_hieght = $img_info[1]; $img_type = $img_info[2]; // info about file........ $imgbytes = filesize($new_path_name); // delete old file........ $base_on_type = $path_name."/".$name; if($img_type == 1) { $src_img = imagecreatefromgif($base_on_type);} if($img_type==2) { $src_img = imagecreatefromjpeg($base_on_type);} if($img_type == 3) { $src_img = imagecreatefrompng($base_on_type);} if($img_type == 6) { $src_img = imagecreatefromwbmp($base_on_type);} $new_w = $new_width; $new_h = round($new_w * $img_hieght / $img_width); $dst_img = imagecreatetruecolor($new_w, $new_h); imagecopyresampled($dst_img,$src_img,0,0,0,0,$new_w,$new_h,imagesx($src_img),imagesy($src_img)); //unlink($new_path_name); if($img_type==1) { imagegif($dst_img, "$new_path_name"); } if($img_type==2) { imagejpeg($dst_img, "$new_path_name"); } if($img_type==3) { imagepng($dst_img, "$new_path_name"); } if($img_type==6) { imagewbmp($dst_img, "$new_path_name"); } if($img_type == 1) { $src_img_thumb = imagecreatefromgif($base_on_type);} if($img_type==2) { $src_img_thumb = imagecreatefromjpeg($base_on_type);} if($img_type == 3) { $src_img_thumb = imagecreatefrompng($base_on_type);} if($img_type == 6) { $src_img_thumb = imagecreatefromwbmp($base_on_type);} return $name; } else { $raw_name = $arrFile["name"]; //$_SESSION['file_tmp_name'][$count] = $raw_name; $id = uniqid(rand()); $arrInfoImage = explode(".",$arrFile["name"]); $name = $id.$arrInfoImage[count($arrInfoImage)-1]; $new_path_name = $path_name."/".$name; move_uploaded_file($arrFile["tmp_name"],$new_path_name) or die("There is problem in uploading"); return $name; //echo "
Upload image with minimum width is ".$new_width."
"; } } function showPaginationLink($current_page, $link, $length, $max) { $page = ceil($length / $max); if($page > 1) { for($i=1;$i<=$page;$i++) { $str .=($current_page == $i) ? ''.$i.'' : ' '.$i.' '; } $new_str = "Page - " .$str; } return $new_str; } ?> Islamic Online University


Are you committed to serving your community? Are you passionate about putting the needs of others before your own? Are you looking for an opportunity to provide a helping hand for the greater good of the Muslim community (Ummah)?

Volunteering for the Islamic Online University ( IOU) may be just what you’ve been looking for! The IOU relies on its volunteers to fulfill a wide range of tasks. Without our 70+ dedicated volunteers from across the globe, IOU would not exist. Why not join our dynamic group of volunteers now?

As an IOU volunteer, you can sow countless good deeds in the duniya and the akhira. InshaAllah!

Please fill the form below to volunteer for the Islamic Online University

Personal Information
Name *
Email ID *
Gender *
Male Female
Date of birth *
City *
Country *
Phone Number (Mobile or Landline)
Professional Qualifications *
(Note: Optional for the sisters, please note that this number will not be shared with anyone )
How many hours weekly can you volunteer? *
If employed state current position held
Personal Information
Islamic Qualification if any
Experience in the field of Islamic work
Any short diploma courses completed on IOU
Any courses completed at Alkauthar/ Almaghrib
Any other Islamic courses completed elsewhere
Have you joined the BAIS program?
Yes No
Computer Knowledge *
(Note: Please provide details of your computer knowledge, select the appropriate options given below, Also provide any relevant information in the "Others tab")
Microsoft Office   Graphic Designing   Video Editing
Programming   Web designing   Other:
Why do you want to be a part of the IOU? *
Identify your Islamic goals *
Please provide Islamic reference*
(Note: eg. Imam or Local scholars - Please provide their contact
details, mobile numbers, email addresses etc )

Any other suggestion / remark / feedback you want to share
with us?